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Sunday, September 16, 2012


Kwanza naomba radhi kwa kuandika barua hii kiswahinglish. Ni kwa sababu ya ukosefu wangu wa ujuzi wa lugha.

Waheshimiwa bila shaka mmeona kuwa CHADEMA is rapidly becoming a serious political alternative to the Tanzanians.I may be wrong. Ni muda mrefu chama was taking a lot for granted.There was only one chama, the one that broke our colonial slave chains. We will never forget that, we will forever be grateful. But times change, circumstances change, people change. They see missed opportunities.

They no longer want to tolerate inefficiencies, uzembe,uroho arrogance and the attitude of being the untouchables YOU CHANGE OR YOU DIE that is the law of natural survival. You adapt or you are history, like the dodo.

I am no political scientist, but may I suggest a few points, najamaa wengine wataongeza mengi:

Start taking CHEDEMA seriously

Wekeni komitii iangalie upya the party’s road map

Kateni makuti makavu na mizizi iliyooza

Get rid of the young Turks who are there now just waiting for their time to come irrespective of their abilities and real potential

Get a professional political analyst and scientist to help kick starting the party

You want to maintain status quo, you will disappear within a decade

Mungu Ibariki Tanzania

Barua hii iliandikwa na mdau siku moja baada ya CHADEMA kufanya mkutano jangwani.tumeiweka bila kuihariri kwani aliyeituma amesema kila kilichoandikwa kina maana kama kilivyoandikwa.

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