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Maxmillian R. Kattikiro

Written on: June 7th, 2012 | by Maxmillian Kattikiro

I take great pleasure in inviting you all to this blog, which is found and created by Maxmillian Rukondo Kattikiro, in order to educate, motivate, informing and sharing variety of information and life experience to the people. 

By informing the people Maxmillian Kattikiro Blog ( is aiming to build a self-confidence to the people of Tanzania and bring about life changes in both aspects; Socially, politically, and economically hence to enforce the personal as well as a nation development. 

The Maxmillian Kattikiro Blog is intended to all the people regardless of their ages, sexual, education and political views. Everyone is invited to visit this blog endlessly, thus most welcome and kindly enjoy the flavors of this blog.

Maxmillian Kattikiro,
Blog Administrator.

Contact Info:
Box 68305
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Mobile: +255655444666, Fax: +255 (0) 000 000 000

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