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Saturday, November 17, 2012


The Mw and Tz Deadlock Talks (File Photo

A Malawi delegation Friday left for Tanzania to resume talks on the Lake Malawi border dispute, weeks after President Joyce Banda said Lilongwe had given up on the dialogue accusing Dodoma of playing double standards.
Malawi Minister of Information and Civic Education Mr. Moses Kunkuyu told a news conference in Lilongwr that the talks will focus on border affirmation.

“The talks will border on affirming this border other than negotiating its relocation because it was already demarcated," said Kunkuyu hinting that Lilongwe will not relent on the ownership of the one of beautiful lakes in Africa.

Early October President Banda, withdrew from the talks accusing her Tanzanian counterpart, Jakaya Kikwete of playing double standards.

There has been tension between the two countries over Lake Malawi ownership when Dodoma claimed part of the lake belongs to them.

But Malawi has stand firm that the whole lake belongs to Lilongwe.

The 1890 Anglo-Germany treaty popularly known as the Heligoland treaty signed by Germany and Britain –respective colonial masters of Tanzania and Malawi states that “the whole lake belongs to Malawi.”

But speaking in October in a landmark live interview with the source of this information, Tanzania's High Commissioner to Malawi Patrick Tsere said point black that the treaty was flawed and that 'Lake Nyasa' belonged to the two countries.

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