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Friday, May 16, 2014



The $122 million (Sh201 billion), which was at the escrow account held at Bank of Tanzania (BoT), was transferred to Pan Africa Power Solutions (Tanzania) Ltd (PAP) account between November 28 and December 8, last year (2013).

This revelation comes at a time when Standard Chartered Bank, Hong Kong (SCB – HK), through its lawyers, has given Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) a 30-day ultimatum to re-deposit the money into the account or else face legal consequences.

An escrow account is a financial instrument held by a third party on behalf of other two parties in a transaction. The funds are held by this kind of account until it receives the appropriate written or oral instructions or until obligations have been fulfilled.

Contrary to claims by the ministry of Energy and Minerals that the escrow monies were paid to Independent Power Tanzania Ltd (IPTL), The Sources have reliably established that the $122 million was actually paid to PAP.

PAP is the company that has acquired IPTL by using the escrow funds in a deal that has been queried by some legal experts, who are wondering how a once liquidated company became the assignee, and assigned its shares to a new investor.

According to details gathered by The Sources, which are also corroborated by official correspondence from the BoT to the Treasury, the agreement to release the escrow billions was signed on October 27, 2013.

In a letter dated December 19, 2013, BoT deputy governor responsible for administration and internal controls, Mr Juma Reli, wrote: “Invoking the provisions of Articles 7.7 of the Agreement, GOT and IPTL executed an agreement for delivery of the escrow funds to IPTL…the agreement for delivery was signed on October 27, 2013, pursuant to which the bank was instructed to release the escrow fund.

In a letter directed to the permanent secretary of the ministry of Finance, Dr Servacius Likwelile, Mr Reli, further writes: “The funds together with un-matured investments in treasury bills were dully transferred to IPTL on November 28, 2013 and December 5, 2013.”

“In view of the foregoing, we hereby request you to order the closure of the escrow account…simultaneously we wish to kindly inform you that with effect from December 5, 2013 when the last transfer was effected, the Bank has been duly discharged from its role and obligations as an escrow agent with respect to Power Purchase Agreement between IPTL and Tanesco.”

Though the BoT says it transferred the escrow funds to IPTL, the affidavit sworn by James Rugemalira, managing director of VIP Engineering and Marketing Ltd, served at the High Court on January 8, year 2014, state that the money was paid to PAP.

VIP Engineering and Marketing Ltd was a Tanzania company that owned 30 per cent shares in IPTL until it allegedly sold its stakes to PAP at the cost of $65 million (Sh129 billion)—the income he described last week as “just few cents for tobacco.”

Just a day after the BoT letter, the government chief legal counsel, Attorney General Justice Frederick Werema, wrote to Hunton and Williams LLP, a US law firm representing Tanesco, stating: “This letter (BoT letter) is instructive…it may be helpful to any measures that you may wish to pursue on behalf of your client.”
Ministry’s contradictory versionIn another development, the ministry of Energy and Minerals issued two conflicting communications last week, in a bid to defend what transpired between IPTL, Tanesco and Pan Africa Power Solutions (PAP).


Malima: DCC holds 51 pct, govt 49, Simon Group: We have 76 pct stake

Deputy Finance minister, Adam Malima
Deputy Finance minister, Adam Malima yesterday asserted that the government hasn't sold any of its shares in the Dar es Salaam Transport Company (UDA) to the Simon Group Company.

Malima gave the government’s stand when responding to a question raised by Kawe MP, Halima Mdee (Chadema) who sought government’s explanation on its shares in UDA.

Mdee also wanted to know the real owner of the Dar es Salaam transport firm and the distribution of shares.

Malima clarified that the Dar es Salaam City Council and the government through Treasury Registrar are the owners of the company.

Regarding the distribution of shares, the minister said: “Dar es Salaam City Council has 51 percent of shares in UDA while the government has 49 percent.”
He however said that in 2006 the government expressed intention to sell its shares in order to get a potential investor who would have the ability to improve UDA.

He said the Parastatal Sector Reform Commission (PSRC) was tasked to spearhead the exercise, though the commission failed to find an investor who would meet the requirements.

The minister said in January 2010, the Board of UDA notified the government on the possibility of getting an investor—Simon Group Limited, who would have bought the government’s stake and 7,880,303 unclaimed shares.

“After receiving the recommendations, the government directed the UDA board not to continue with the plan of selling shares to the Simon Group Limited because the procedures and regulations of obtaining the investor were violated,” he said.

UDA was established in 1974 with authorised share capital of 1,500,000,000/- which is equivalent to 15,000,000 shares at the price of 100/- each. Of the total shares, 7,119,697 were paid up while 7,880,303 unfixed.

According to the minister, on October 1, 2000 the government gave DCC about 3,631,045 shares out of 7,119,697 (51 percent) and retained 3,488,651 (49 percent) of the paid-up shares.

Speaking to The Guardian over telephone interview yesterday, Simon Group Executive Chairman Robert Kisena, said Malima’s statement is misleading.

“I am on my way from Dodoma to Dar es Salaam but as far as I know Simon Group own 76 plus shares in UDA while the government owns 23-24 percent of the shares. Soon we are taking the remaining shares that the government owns. We are at an advanced stage,” he said.

According to the MD, it is surprising to hear the deputy minister informing the public that the government and Dar es Salaam City Council own the firm 100 percent.

The Simon Group directed this paper to cross check with the Business Registration and Licensing Authority on the actual shareholders or how many shares each owns.



WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama reported assets worth between $1.8 million and $7 million for last year, little changed from their previous year's holdings, according to financial disclosure forms released Thursday.

The forms, required by law, permit public officials to list their assets in broad ranges. As a result, a precise net worth is difficult to ascertain.

The forms show the largest jointly owned assets by the president and the first lady were Treasury notes worth between $1 million and $5 million. While the value of their assets is certainly higher than that of most Americans, their mix reflects the financial demands of a 50-something couple with two daughters. Their assets include Vanguard retirement funds and college savings plans.

Royalties in 2013 from Obama's books, "Dreams From My Father," ''The Audacity of Hope" and "Of Thee I Sing," totaled between $70,000 and $165,000. In 2011, they totaled between $250,000 and $2.1 million.

The Obamas also have a 30-year mortgage on their Chicago home worth between $500,000 and $1 million with an interest rate of 5.625 percent.

Vice President Joe Biden reported 2013 assets of between $276,000 and $940,000, including a rental property owned jointly with his wife, Jill, in Wilmington, Delaware.
Unlike the Obamas, Biden has taken advantage of lower mortgage rates and refinanced his mortgage last year. He listed a 30-year mortgage on his principal residence and his rental property worth between $500,000 and $1 million with an interest rate of 3.375 percent.

Biden also reported making $25,000 donations to each of two Pennsylvania anti-domestic violence groups. The $50,000 came from an award Biden received from the Pennsylvania Society, which honored Biden last year with its gold medal for distinguished achievement,

Last month, the Obamas released their 2013 tax returns and reported paying $98,169 in taxes on $481,098 in adjusted income.
The Bidens reported paying $96,378 in federal taxes last year on adjusted gross income of $407,009.

Source: AFP


Mengi, Mkono wazushiwa kumchafua Muhongo; Dk. Slaa asema ni baada ya Bunge kugeuka kichaka

MKAKATI wa kuwanasua vigogo wa serikali wanaotuhumiwa kuhusika katika kashfa nzito ya ufisadi wa dola za Marekani milioni 122 (sawa na sh bilioni 200) katika akaunti ya Baraza la Usuluhishi la Migogoro ya Kibiashara (Escrow) ya Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BoT), umeanza kusambazwa kwenye mitandao ya kijamii.

Waraka ambao umeandikwa na mtu anayejitambulisha kama mhasibu wa Shirika la Ugavi wa Umeme (Tanesco), unawataja Mwenyekiti Mtendaji wa IPP, Reginald Mengi na Mbunge wa Musoma Vijijini, Nimrod Mkono, kuwa ndio wanaeneza tuhuma hizo kwa lengo la kuwachafua Waziri wa Nishati na Madini, Prof. Sospeter Muhongo na Katibu Mkuu wake, Eliachim Maswi.

Huu ni mnyukano unaotokana na tuhuma za Mbunge wa Kigoma Kusini, David Kafulila (NCCR-Mageuzi), kuhusu vigogo sita wa serikali wakiwemo mawaziri kadhaa aliodai wamehusika na ufisadi wa fedha hizo zilizokuwa zimewekwa katika akaunti ya Escrow.

Kafulila aliwataja Waziri Muhongo na Katibu Mkuu wake, Maswi, Waziri wa Fedha Saada Mkuya, Gavana wa Benki Kuu ya Tanzania, Prof. Benno Ndullu, Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali, Frederick Werema na Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Tanesco, Mhandisi Felchesmi Mramba.

Alisema kuwa ufisadi huo ni lazima mbivu na mbichi zifahamike, na kwamba haungi mkono uamuzi wa Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda wa kuagiza Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali (CAG) na Taasisi ya Kuzuia na Kupambana na Rushwa (Takukuru) kuchunguza suala hili kwa kuwa linagusa mamlaka kubwa katika dola, badala yake iundwe Kamati Teule ya Bunge.

Katika kile kinachoonekana kama mkakati wa kuhamisha hoja ya msingi, jana ulisambazwa waraka kwenye mitandao ya kijamii ukiwa umeandikwa kwa utaalamu wa hali ya juu ukisomeka “Sakata la IPTL mchezo wa wanasheria na wafanyabiashara”.

Mwandishi wa waraka huo anasema; “Mimi ni Mtanzania mwajiriwa wa Tanesco, kwa muda mrefu nimekuwa nikilifuatilia suala la IPTL linavyokwenda na linavyojadiliwa katika maeneo mbalimbali ikiwemo bungeni.

“Naomba niwaeleze kwamba suala hili naona wengi hawalielewi, bali wanaongea kwa jazba na ushabiki kwa kitu wasichokijua kabisa na huenda labda wanatumiwa na watu wenye maslahi na Shirika letu la Tanesco,” alisema.
Alifafanua kuwa suala la Tanesco, IPTL na akaunti ya Escrow ni la kisheria zaidi na si suala la kisiasa, na kwamba tusipokuwa makini tutajikuta tunaingia katika masuala yasiyokuwa ya msingi na tukajuta baadaye.

“Mimi kama Mhasibu wa Tanesco, nakumbuka Escrow ilifunguliwa tarehe 5 July, 2006 wakati mkataba wa IPTL na Tanesco uliingiwa mwaka 1995 na lengo lake lilikuwa ni kuweka fedha za Capacity charges ambazo zilikuwa na mgogoro kutokana na Tanesco kupinga gharama hizo, lakini wakati huo huo walikuwa wakitumia umeme wa IPTL.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Tangazo hili limetolewa na Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii kwa Watanzania wote!
Mbu asadikikaye kueneza homa ya dengue, hupendelea kuuma nyakati za mchana zaidi, pia hata usiku.

Homa ya Dengue: Unayohitaji Kujua

Dengue ni ugonjwa unaoleta homa kwa muda wa siku 2 hadi 7 na huambatana na dalili zifuatazo:

- Kuumwa kwa macho.
- Kuumwa kwa kichwa.
- Maumivu ya misuli na viungo.
- Kutokwa na damu (katika fizi au pua).
- Kukwaruzika kwa urahisi. 

Huduma ya nyumbani kwa homa ya Dengue ni:

- Pata vinywaji kwa wingi mfano maji, juisi au chai.
- Tumia dawa za maumivu kupunguza homa.
- Usitumie dawa ya "Aspirin" ama "Ibuprofen" 

Nenda hospitali haraka unapoona moja ya dalili za tahadhari. Dalili za tahadhari za kuangalia baada ya homa kuondoka:

- Maumivu makali ya tumbo.
- Kutapika mfululizo.
- Kutokwa damu.
- Ngozi kupauka na kuwa baridi.
- Kudhoofika kwa mwili, usingizi mzito.
- Kizunguzungu, kuzimia.
- Kupumua kwa shida.